630am. I should be in bed. Harry, the doll, woke me up. Then I heard what I thought was a crash, so that spooked me.
As far I can tell, Phil's not returned to his house. His girlfriend, Sue, lives on the Northside, but up near Virginia. Since he doesn't (or rather shouldn't) drive, if he wants to come back, he'd need to come back with her. I do hope she has the sense to hide all her keys and keep him the fuck away from here.
Phil's an angry angry man. I know that. I have seen it. He is a large solid man too. No slowing him down if he gets pissed off. Tia reckon's he's been on the speed as well lately, not just the booze and pot.
I'm going to go to the cop shop tomorrow. I am debating if I should tell them what I know about a supposed car chase that might have been a catalyst for this meltdown.
A week or so ago, I was having a chat with Phil. He'd just mowed our yard, so I went to pay him and have a beer. He was telling me that a couple nights prior (possible Father's Day, which is early September here), he took Lee's car and he and Damo went out in the early morning (2am or so). Phil's not had a licence for aaaages. He's had 13 DUI convictions. THIRTEEN!!!! O_O He claims that he went to the servo for snacks and smokes and when they were leaving, since Lee's car is a former cop car, he started bagging on it, smoking tires and fishtailing. He claims it was not until he was right beside the unmarked cop car that he noticed the cops. This lead to a car chase.
He claims the chase started at Abbottsford Road and continued down the ICB. Now, Phil was pretty hammered while telling me the story, so it was hard to follow. I thought he said he turned off at Hale Street, after the cops had chased him down the Bypass. He claimed that the cops backed off at one point and he thought he was 'in the clear'. He also claimed that when he got to the exit, there were 3-4 cop cars waiting for him, at which point he turned a U-turn at 160km/hr and went back up the Bypass to home.
Not to ruin a good story *cough*, but I have been desperately trying to figure out where this could have happened, since none of the exits off the ICB allow you to immediately get back onto the ICB. I let him tell his story and just made the appropriate Oh WOW faces and concerned grunts.
Last night, Tony told me that Phil's going to jail. Apparently, this car chase thing DID happen. Perhaps not as Phil recalls it, since he had drank 9 boxes of wine and been smoking cones all day prior to taking the car out. Tony said the chase went down Gold Coast way, which would make sense. The reason that the cops backed off is that they had pics of the car, the details of Lee (who owns it) and they were going to go pay her a visit.
2 days ago, Lee came over to Phil's. She said that the cops had been in touch with her. She wasn't taking the rap for this, so she gave them Phil's name. This lead Phil to lose it. All along, Phil's been saying that the ONLY thing that matters to him is his dog, Pippa. If he goes inside again, he needs to know she will be cared for and looked after.
Tony said last night that Phil knows he's caught, that he's going away. The only thing he cares about is his dog. He destroyed all his worldly possessions so that he will have nothing when he goes away. Why he felt the need to trash Tia and Polly's stuff is beyond me. Damo's room is SPOTLESS. Untouched. O_O
Tia said that rent was due yesterday. They have the cash. They'd not given it to Phil in the morning since they went to work at 5am and got home at about 7pm. At about 630pm, Phil started hauling all of their stuff outside, breaking precious memorabilia in the process. Phil wrote them a note saying "I ASKED FOR RENT AND YOU DIDN'T GIVE IT TO ME!" They were at work, you asshole!!! JFC!!
<img src="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/328/820/cbd.gif">
When Tia and Polly got home, Phil was just pulling out of the yard with Sue in the car. They didn't even stop to talk. I'm kinda glad they didn't, otherwise, I fear we'd be in hospital visiting Tia and Polly.
My heart just hurts for Tia and Polly. That place is unsecured and not safe at all. They took the airbed and some blankets there last night but the place is SMASHED!!! Glass everywhere!!! I do wish they had stayed here. I understand that they want to try to be normal and not impose but it's just not cool what happened.
The landlord? Well, he's a prize catch too. Tia asked him to come over and see the damage, since it's his property. He couldn't make it happen last night. O_O Then he asked if it was ok to expect Tia, Polly and Damo to keep up the rent payments and they would put them on the lease and work out how to remove Phil. Tia said he'd need to go to the RTA (Rental Tenancies Authority) and the guy sighed. WTF DUDE!?!?!? A tenant just DESTROYED your property AND threatened to come back and burn it down today. DO SOMETHING!!!!! I am glad we have our rental through an agent for once.
Well, I'm off to a staff meeting. YAY! :P
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