Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ooh, you're mad when you're angry.

I am so fucking angry right now.

All of this, the events of this past weekend, have just cemented it.

Since being forced to leave HK, it's just one thing after another. It makes me feel as if Australia's just cursed me.

1. Lack of jobs
2. 7 months of hell in Roma
3. Getting hit by a car
4. Having shit luck with neighbours
5. Falling at work
6. This car accident
7. My husband's complete and total lack of interest in me sexually
8. Finding out the dickhead who hit me has NO COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE

None of this would have happened if I had stayed put in HK. None of it.

I am so goddammn angry right now, I could spit bullets. I am fucking fed right up.

My husband mentioned to Clare that he was concerned about us being carless because we're meant to take our nephew to the Gold Coast next week. HELLO? THAT is the only fucking thing you're worried about? Not that we're carless and it's inconvenient as fuck in this hellhole city. No. He's worried because we can't take Nathan out of my MILs hair for a day. Last I checked, asshole, *I* am the only one of us who drives. Go ahead. Borrow a car. How're you gonna get it to the Gold Coast?

He's off work all this week. Stress/trauma from the accident. He's bruised but not badly hurt. Except his mind. It won't let him forget the accident. And me? Back at work. He thinks I must be a-fucking-ok with all of this, since it's totally possible to just borrow someone's car and drive around now. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????? We have skid marks in front of our house about 6 feet long from this fuckhead. I see them every time I walk out. He's barely left the house all week. None of this matters when it comes to next Friday though. WE HAVE PLANS DAMMIT! I am willing to bet dollars to donuts, if these were MY plans, he'd be cancelling. Can't allow me to do anything remotely fun, can we? If you think I am taking 2 buses to go over there on one the few days off I have next week, think again. 

I rang insurance to find out what to do about hiring a car, if needed. We have 10 days at $20 with our insurance. I asked about making a claim against fuckhead's. They said that according to their records, he is with Suncorp and I should call them. I did. Turns out, fuckhead only has CTP (Compulsory Third Party) insurance. THAT'S. IT. The repairs to our car? He has to pay out of pocket. If we wanted to get money back for medical/rehab/travel expenses, we'll have to take him to court. I. Am. Furious. FURIOUS.

We worked out costs for the next 6 weeks. SmashCare said they might have the car ready by October 30th. 6. Fucking. Weeks.

What we will be out of pocket:

A) Buses to/from work for 6 weeks for both of us + 2 doc's visits ~ $400
B) Buses + docs + 10 days car hire ~ $650
C) Buses for G + docs + 6 weeks car hire ~ $1400 - $2100 (depending on the car hire company)

Cost to repair our car? No idea. Whatever the cost is, that fucking idiot who hit me has to pay it out of pocket. I'm guessing well over $10k.

When I am not so fucking angry, I think that we can easily pay $2k to get a car and be mobile, that this idiot has enough to worry about with the repairs to our car that he has to pay. On the other hand, I want that fucker to PAY for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not just the repairs. For every ounce of inconvenience this is causing me. For how angry and nervous it makes me feel now.

I am hating life right now. HATING IT. I am so tempted to hire a car and drive myself out of this hole. Better yet, buy a ticket and fly myself out. Fuck this place. Fuck it in the ear.

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