Thursday, October 25, 2012

A very... thoughtful gift... But it's a surprise!

Someone else on my F-list was talking about how it would be nice if her husband did something for her birthday.

I seem to go through this every year. I know I did last year, when I turned 40. G did nothing. I feel like a loser planning my own birthday.

While I know if I do, at least it will get done, I would like to think that my husband gives two shits enough to know me well enough to plan something.

I don't even want a gift. I don't need any more shit in the house. What I need is 30 days of sex and a nice dinner out. I did mention the sex thing and he just laughed. I AM FUCKING SERIOUS!!!!

I feel completely unappreciated. I thought about his gift for a long while, when it became apparent that he was not going to get his own tickets to the festival. I feel that if I send him a list of places I might like to go and let him pick and leave it to him to choose a time/place, I am still doing all of the heavy lifting. He just has to pick a restaurant/time and make a reservation.

PLUS I AM NOT GETTING MY 30 DAYS OF SEX. This once a week thing is bullshit. BULLSHIT.

The irony in all this is that I am not big on surprises (re: MIL's shit gift last year!) and yet, I would like him to do SOMETHING that shows that he knows what I would like. To his credit, he did suggest sushi, which he knows I could live on.

I dunno. I should not be making a big deal of this. I do this to myself every. fucking. year. What's the definition of insanity? ME!

My birthday falls on a Wednesday, so we could/should go to trivia. I also know that Wednesday is my hell day at work and therefore, I am usually too tired to want to really do anything. I wouldn't mind spending my actual B'day with Alan, Clare, Joe and Anna. They're good people.

Last night, I looked at Japanese restaurants in BNE that I would like to try. What do I do? Send G an email outlining the places to go and suggest that he choose one? Pick one and just do what I always do and plan everything myself? Let it go and just be miserable?

I fucking hate this.

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