Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First the good news: two of your kids are not locked in the car.

It's a fairly well known fact I do not want/like/tolerate kids.


Yes...I know...but those little darlings GO HOME at the end of the day. And they don't snot all over me.

Today, I posted in TQC...something I have not done in a while.

I want to reply. I do. But. But. But. No.

What I wanted to say was:

Yes, I'm sorry if that makes me a horrid person in your eyes, but him having a kid pop up right now would change EVERYTHING and I am honest enough with myself and with him to say that NO, that is NOT ok. It's harder for him to say that to me, since it would be more or less impossible to forget giving birth, but the same holds true for him. We are fairly staunch CF-ers and that is a HUGE ASS DEALBREAKER.

If he didn't know, I'm annoyed that she withheld that info.
If he did know, I am extremely pissed he withheld that info from me.

BUT....I know enough about Lutine as a poster to just not engage.

As my Facebook post said....thank GOD for the delete button!!!

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